One-to-one inquiry work with Myosei is a form of spiritual and life mentoring where we focus our sessions on what's most present for you and then follow aliveness – as it unfolds, moment-to-moment, wherever it leads us. Over the years, I've found that this organic process has a deep intelligence and is entirely trustworthy in its orientation toward healing, growth, and transformation. Authenticity and sincerity are the essential ingredients.
You bring all of you – light and shadow, blessings and challenges, interests and needs – and your inner desire to awaken, embody, and express your true nature.
I bring all of me – presence and deep listening, intuitive and imaginal ways of knowing, non-judgment, curiosity, and lovingkindness – and everything I've learned so far from wisdom teachings and practices, transformational processes and tools, and my own journey through life.
Together, we follow your process, co-creating a way of working that is unique to you, in service to the fullest expression of your being.

Spiritual Mentoring
with Myosei is:
We orient towards discovering and following aliveness, with the deep understanding that you are already whole. Touching into the experience of True Nature, over time, you begin to rest there as you move through daily life.
Grounded in Daily Life
We focus on all facets of life as our ground for awakening. Relationships, life transitions and challenges, and questions about meaning, purpose, spiritual development, or integration are all opportunities for transformation.
We're in this together. I'm an active, engaged participant – stepping back or leaning in – based on what's unfolding moment-to-moment. Two hearts, minds, and bodies listening deeply for what’s most true for you.
We use guided meditation, imaginal journeys, and energy awareness to develop your other ways of knowing along with the tools to navigate the world of energy within and around us. Developing intuition augments your intellectual and analytical capacities.
We incorporate mindfulness, guided imagery, parts work, and energy work into a unique form of inquiry, based on your interests and what we find to be most helpful. Experiential work, coupled with skillful integration, can facilitate profound and lasting shifts.
We attend to and honor the wisdom of your physical and subtle energy bodies through gentle listening and guided experiential practices. Your capacity to live fully, trusting your deeper wisdom, is enhanced when you cultivate greater awareness of and ease in the body.