Spiritual inquiry is a means to awaken to our true nature, where we can discover the freedom that comes from meeting our experience just as it is, with curiosity, kindness and clarity. As we do so, we begin to navigate life from an awareness of and deep trust in the moment-to-moment unfolding. Developing our capacity to live from this sense of fundamental wellbeing is the focus of my teaching and our work together, as well as my direct experience in my own journey. I offer opportunities to gather on retreats, small groups, and daylongs, in an online community, and in one-to-one spiritual mentoring sessions. I’ve found that practicing with spiritual friends is powerful. No one arrives on their own. Ultimately, we awaken with and for each other. Join us to awaken, embody, and express your true nature in our practice circles, in your life, and in the world.
Joryu Myosei (JOH-ree-yoo mee-yoh-SAY) means “quiet dragon, luminous vow” and is the dharma name given to me by one of my spiritual teachers, the Reverend Daijaku. Most people call me Myosei or Myo for short.
Retreats offer an immersive environment dedicated to slowing down, listening in, and deepening our connection to ourselves, others, and the natural world. Designed to provide a space free from the distractions of daily life, participants can cultivate a quiet mind, an open heart, and an embodied presence.
We gather for many reasons, but at the heart of it, gathering fills a deeper need for belonging, connection, and shared meaning. Practicing in community is a powerful catalyst to awakening. Far from a solitary path, awakening unfolds in relationship – with the world, with each other, and with our direct experience.
Spiritual Mentoring
With one-to-one spiritual mentoring, we focus our sessions on what's most present for you and then follow aliveness – as it unfolds, moment-to-moment. Together we follow your process, co-creating a way of working that is unique to you in service to the fullest expression of your being.
Join us Monthly for
Potluck Dharma
Community Practice
Take a Deep Dive on our
Spring Daylong Retreat
April 26, 2025