I found my calling a bit later in life. Following a short career in private equity and then a longer one in product design & development, I finally realized that what I loved most was working with people. So I went back to school to obtain a degree in Integral Psychology, pursued a variety of clinical trainings focused on transformation, developed my gifts as an intuitive healer, and dove deeply into the nondual spiritual teachings and practices that ignited my heart.
For me, it seems that life had to fall apart before I could pause, reflect, and put it back together in a new way. The "me" that emerged from all of the study, meditation, and inquiry, and that continues to unfold daily seems to be a kind of modern-day mystic – equal parts spiritual mentor, teacher, therapist, energy healer, coach, and student of life – all of it in service to listening for and trusting in one's inherent inner wisdom, to following aliveness, and to living life creatively, joyfully, and with intention and purpose.
Joryu Myosei (JOH-ree-yoo mee-yoh-SAY) is the dharma name given to me by one of my spiritual teachers, the Reverend Daijaku. It means “quiet dragon, luminous vow,” and I think it captures both my essence and my deep intention simply and profoundly. I received this gift of a dharma name when I took a formal bodhisattva vow in 2011. I spent seven months in inquiry with Jaku to arrive at my vow and my ceremony, where I dedicated my life to awakening for the benefit of all beings and my work to supporting awakening for all and its expression in daily life. It’s taken me 12+ years to grow into it. After practicing quietly for over a decade, I feel called now to take up my dharma name and step into my vow more fully in my teachings, gatherings, and one-to-one inquiry work with clients.
If you'd like to know more about my story or about my process in developing and taking a bodhisattva vow, you can find those reflections here. I hope that in sharing it, my journey will inspire you to follow your deep knowing and to create your own unique path of heart and purpose in your life and in the world.
With love, gratitude and a deep bow,
PS. Most people call me Myosei or Myo for short.
Reflections from Students, Collaborators, & Sangha
I sincerely appreciate your reflections on my teaching and our work together. If you feel moved to share, please write to me.
MA, Integral Psychology
California Institute of Integral Studies
Stanford University Graduate School of Business
BS, Computer Science, summa cum laude
The University of Alabama
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Lucy Salter, MFC #52083
Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher Certificate
University of California, Berkeley, Greater Good Science Center
with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach in partnership with Sounds True
Intuition Medicine® Masters Certificate
Academy of Intuition Medicine®
Guided Imagery and Expressive Arts Certificates
California Pacific Medical Center, The Institute for Health and Healing
AEDP Level III Practitioner
AEDP Institute