The Story of Sacred Wild Sanctuary

Sacred Wild Sanctuary was born from the profound experience of our last retreat, co-created with everyone who was there. The power of our shared circle and practice deeply moved us all. I have no doubt that the Medicine Buddha, the redwoods, and our community set this in motion, with a mission to create a space to continue gathering, practicing, and growing in community with all of you in heart and mind and with an invitation to others who weren’t on retreat to join us in this practice space as well.  

The name "Sacred Wild" honors each of our journeys and the energy that wove through the 2024 Land of Medicine Buddha Fall Retreat. It reflects the spirit of the myriad of sacred wild archetypes and teachers, who are wise yet often unconventional. It also speaks to the wild, sacred path that we all travel — living in the fullness of not knowing, dancing between nothing and everything, finding our spiritual authority, autonomy, and integrity, while staying deeply connected to each other and to the teachings and practices that inspire and guide us.

I  added "Sanctuary" to honor the magnificent redwoods. The ancient stillness of these towering trees held and supported us, while the wisdom of the natural world surrounded and informed us. Nature was inseparable from our practice, continually reminding us of our connection to the whole.

Combined, “Sacred Wild Sanctuary” captures the magic and mystery of life itself, on retreat and in our daily lives. It is a gathering place for anyone who seeks to connect, explore, and awaken, in community,  through nondual teachings, seasonal earth-based wisdom, and the transformative practices of meditation and inquiry.  You can think of it as a virtual retreat space — a way to practice as we do on retreat, free from the noise of the outside world.

What makes Sacred Wild Sanctuary truly magical is all of you. We are co-creating this circle of sangha together, moment to moment. As the Buddha said to Ananda, “spiritual friends are the whole of the path.” That still rings true today. Practicing in community is powerful. We’re not separate, and no one arrives on their own. We awaken together, with and for each other. By showing up authentically—with intention, curiosity, and kindness—we create the conditions for our transformation.

I invite you to join us, collaborating to nurture deeper connections — with ourselves, each other, and the natural world — and crafting a place where we can support one another in discovering, embodying, and expressing our true nature.

Sacred Wild Sanctuary is not just a community — it’s a shared journey. And I am so honored to walk this path with you.

To the Sacred Wild Ones Everywhere,


The Quiet Dragon & the Luminous Vow


Reflections on Winter Retreat